9 Ways to Manage School Breaks When Togetherness Feels Challenging

It’s summer break and the kids are home… a thought that can instill both joy and, well, panic!  Family togetherness is at a year-long high, and sometimes everyone just doesn’t get along.  Here are some tips to help you, and your kids, enjoy your time together:

Alone-time is good:  Encourage your kids to spend a portion of their day on their own, whether you have one kid or five!  This is good for them all year long, and a great thing for parents to model, too!

They can work it out:  When it comes to managing sibling conflict, start by allowing them to work out as much as possible on their own without you.  This builds confidence, personal responsibility and more.  One caveat:  If someone's getting hurt, you can step in.

Talk it over:  Have a conversation with your kids about limits before problems occur.  Make sure they know what you expect of them individually. 

•Mix it up:  Don't expect everyone to do everything together.   Allow for activities between pairs or small groups.

Take turns:  Rotate who gets to choose what the family does together, and keep it equal.  Set up any guidelines for choices ahead of time.

Keep it real:  Consider keeping some routines the same, even though it’s summertime (e.g. bedtime or bedtime routine).  Kids still need more sleep than you for proper brain development.

Limit screen time:  Just because it’s summertime doesn't mean screen time should be unlimited. Kids need physical and mental stimulation and activity all year long. 

Adjust your expectations:  Don’t expect perfection—from yourself, your spouse or your children.  Allow that the occasional argument will happen, and everyone won’t be happy all the time.  It’s life. 

Bottom line:  Be flexible!  Open up to the possibility that things don’t have to be a certain way, and that maybe your “ideal” situation isn’t everyone else’s—or even realistic.