Working Vacation Is An Oxymoron: 4 Ways to Make it Real

For many of us, it’s harder than ever to “power down” and leave our work worries and devices behind. Staying plugged in to social media, keeping up with news, and answering work emails are not, despite what we may tell ourselves, part of a healthy vacation.  Here are some tips for making the most of yours:

Unplug!  A “fast” from electronics can help you sleep better, improve your mood, and remove the tendency to multi-task, which leads to nothing getting your full, undivided attention (like yourself or your families). This is great to model for your kids!

Create down time for yourself during the vacation, rather than trying to sustain the same pace that you keep up during your work week.  Let go! It’s okay not to have a plan!

Bring a little vacation home with you.  One of the most difficult things about coming back to work is leaving behind the fun, relaxation, and self-care that you allow yourself on vacation.  Find ways to bring some of that into your every day, even if it’s on a smaller scale.

Allow time to transition coming back.  Return with a day built in to relax at home, unpack, reorganize, grocery shop… whatever you need to do to prepare for a normal work week. Try not to hit the ground running at work, but build in time to your first day back to answer emails, return calls, check your calendar and settle in slowly.